Industry News

The effect of dust on solar panels


1. Decreased output performance
During the operation of the Solar Panels photovoltaic power generation system, it will be affected by the dust in the environment where it is located. The photoelectric conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells is related to the intensity of solar radiation. The accumulation of dust on the surface of photovoltaic panels will reduce the light transmittance of the front cover glass. The decrease in light transmittance will lead to a decrease in the output performance of the battery. The greater the deposition concentration, the greater the light transmittance. The lower it is, the lower the amount of radiation absorbed by the panel and the greater the drop in its output performance.
2. Battery efficiency loss
During periods of low rainfall, cell efficiency losses can reach more than 15% due to accumulated dirt on the panel surface. Dirt and dust on the surface of the panel can reduce the average annual power generation efficiency by 6%. Generally speaking, dust and dirt in the air include: dust, rainwater, and pollutants, and their presence will lead to a reduction in the output energy of the battery. Because dust particles have a great influence on the forward scattering of sunlight, the current loss of such a centralized module is usually much higher than that of a decentralized one.

3. Panel temperature rises
Most of the existing photovoltaic power plants use silicon-based solar cells, which are very sensitive to temperature perception. When a certain thickness of dust accumulates on the surface of the panel, its heat transfer resistance will increase, which will have a thermal insulation effect on the panel, and its heat dissipation function will be affected. influences. Dust adheres to the surface of the panel to block the heat transfer to the outside, which may not release the heat of the panel itself, making the temperature higher and higher, affecting the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation.
4. Corrosion of solar panels
The composition of dust is relatively complex, some are acidic substances, some are alkaline substances, and the main components of crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels are silicon dioxide and limestone. Acidic or basic reaction. After a period of time, the surface of the photovoltaic panel is gradually corroded and damaged under the erosion of the acidic or alkaline environment, making the surface pitted, resulting in the attenuation of the optical performance of the photovoltaic panel, and the diffuse reflection of solar radiation on the surface of the panel, destroying the solar radiation in the photovoltaic. Uniformity of spread in the panel.


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